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Ep10 – Things not to Say to Someone Struggling to get Pregnant

Katy Bradbury

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

Hello, I’m Katy Bradbury a qualified Nutritional Therapist, Private Health Visitor and qualified nurse. I have worked within the field of Women’s Health, Maternal and Children’s Health for many years.

Today’s podcast looks at things you should not say to someone struggling to get pregnant. I have used my own personal experience as well as things that have been said to others to put together five points of unwelcome advice or comments. So whether you are looking to get pregnant, are already pregnant or have a friend who is on their fertility journey this podcast is for you.

00:00: Introduction

00:29: Why you might be tuning in

03:18: Hey, I’m pregnant!

05:33: A personal story

12:58: Everything happens for a reason

15:22: Just relax, it will happen

18:44: Just be mindful of your words

19:13: You’re spending how much?

22:30: You should enjoy the perks!

24:17: 5 comments not to say recap

25:21: Zoe Jones, Fertility Coach

You can connect with me in the following ways:

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