Private Health Visiting

Note that I am registered to practice with the Nursing and Midwifery Council, and fully insured by the Royal College of Nursing.
The right support for mothers in the first 1,000 days of life, from conception to age two, has the potential to change the world.
In my career as a health visitor I have supported many families in a huge variety of situations and I am fiercely proud of the work that a good health visitor can do to make a difference to the lives of mothers and babies.
Unfortunately, health visitors do not have a good wrap and this is because the quality of care can be so variable. Often when I speak to people their perception of the health visitor is one where they feel judged as parents, are going to have a finger pointed at them or told they are doing it ‘wrong’, or are going to be given unreliable advice. It deeply saddens me to hear of the distrust people often have for their health visitors and I work hard to try and change this perception.
Particularly at the moment, NHS health visitors aren’t always able to offer the comprehensive service they might like to be able to because of things such as COVID-19 and longstanding recruitment and retention issues in the workforce.
The value in a private health visitor is that you have someone you can trust and rely on. Someone to build a therapeutic relationship with, and who has time to really get to know you and your individual circumstances and provide the right advice and support for you.
I offer a range of private health visiting services, from comprehensive packages spanning the first year of life, to individual consultations or clinic appointments. You will receive personalised advice and support on maternal mental health and wellbeing, infant feeding, weight/length/head circumference review, developmental reviews, sleep, immunisations, nutrition, potty training, sibling rivalry, weaning, behaviour and managing minor illness.
Note that inclusivity is a priority for me and I welcome people of all cultures, religions, ethnicities, ages, gender identities, sexualities, body sizes, and across the full spectrum of physical, social and neuro differences. Whilst the language across this site refers to Women's Health, I recognise that not all people with female anatomy identify as women, and that not all people who are women have female anatomy. Please know that I see you and you are welcome here. At present, this is still terminology I feel strongly about, because women continue to be let down, and women's health issues continue to be underplayed and gaslighted by the patriarchal systems within which we live. Until these barriers are broken down and my mission of Radically Revolutionising Women's Health is achieved, I will continue to use this term, though this is of course a work in progress and my language will evolve as I learn.