Hello, I’m Katy Bradbury a qualified Nutritional Therapist, Private Health Visitor and qualified nurse. I have worked within the field of Women’s Health, Maternal and Children’s Health for many years.
In today's episode, we will be discussing how to tell if you're ovulating, especially if you have PCOS or are worried that you have PCOS. Sometimes we are told earlier in life we have PCOS, and we don’t know if we still have it, you may want to advise a friend who has it or you have a general interest in the condition. We will look into a few ways of telling if you are ovulating as well as a few reservations you may have about ovulation and PCOS. Please feel free to get in touch via social media or my website, all the links are below.
00:00: Introduction
02:56: Reservations
03:27: Reservation 1 – I don’t ovulate
05:08: Reservation 2 – I’ve been told I need IVF
06:24: Reservation 3 – Family History
07:01: Taking Back Control
08:54: What can I do to get to know my cycle better
13:33: Measuring your Basal Body Temperature
15:45: Cervical Mucus
20:59: Position of the Cervix
26:10: Getting in Touch
Fertility and the First 1,000 Days Membership:
Fertility and the First 1,000 Days Membership
Fundamentals for Fertility online course: 12 Week Fundamentals for Fertility Course with Katy Bradbury (evergreen)
Book a discovery call to talk through your needs for working together 1:1: Practice Better
More info can be found about Katy on her website: https://katybradbury.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katybradburyhealth
Email: support@katybradbury.com
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